Bella's Age

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Bella!

Bella turned 1 this past Friday! We can't believe our baby is 1. We had such a great weekend. We so appreciate all of our family and friends making the trip to our house for Bella's special day & Cupcake party. I am going to do a better post about her birthday with more pictures, but for now here are a couple!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1st Time Playing in the Snow!

This weekend we headed up to the Poconos and had a great time! It started snowing on our drive there and snowed off and on through Sunday. It was beautiful and this was the first real snow Bella has seen. She loved sledding in the front yard and she also loved eating the snow...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Fun and No Fun

After being gone since last Sunday for work, I could not wait to get home to see Bella! I missed her so much but I knew she was in good hands while I was gone. I got home late Friday night to Bella and Daddy asleep on the couch. Daddy planned that so I could see her before he put her in the crib. So she woke up enough to see me, laid on me for a little bit then I tucked her in her bed and she was off to la la land! On Saturday we had some friends come in town to visit and we hung out with them in the afternoon. We stopped by Daddy's office and I thoroughly enjoyed playing around as you will see in the pictures. About 11 pm on Saturday night, we went to check on Bella as we heard her waking up every now and then and kind of whine, which she doesn't ever do. Normally, we put her to bed at 7 and she is quiet as a mouse until the next morning. So when we checked you, we discovered you were super hot. Turns out you had a fever of 103. After calling the night nurses at the Pediatric office, they said just to treat your fever with medicine and cold liquids. So needless to say you laid in bed with us for a couple hours and we all finally fell asleep. You still have a little fever today but are getting better. We think it is her teething, as she has 4 teeth coming in! Yikes! So we had a good weekend until last night, we hate seeing our baby sick. It breaks our heart. We hope you feel better ASAP! Here are our pictures from the weekend:

Insisting on having some of Mommy's tea...don't worry it wasn't hot!

Sitting at Daddy's boss' desk, look out!

Just being silly

Sweet baby sitting in the big girl chair!